OK so by now all of us are familiar with this face!
If you don't know her, let me explain her story.
26-year-old veterinary doctor Priyanka Reddy was traveling late at night after her work. Every day she used to park her scooter to the toll plaza and take the cab from there and reach the hospital. On Wednesday night, when the cab dropped her to the toll, she found that one of the tyre of her scooter was punctured.
After a while, the prime accused approached to help her to get her scooter fixed. Another accused took her scooter to get fixed, but returned after some time and told that all shops are closed. Then in the dead of the night, she was unexpectedly attacked by four men. They were men by looks but devil by nature. They took her to a nearby bush where she was brutally gang-raped!
She was killed during this heinous act, so they took her body to a remote place, poured kerosene and burnt her! On Thursday morning, a villager had found the body & alerted the police!
Just for the sake of pleasure.
Just for the sake of enjoyment.
They brutally raped and killed the girl of this nation.
Yesterday, while scrolling through social networking sites, I found this news that shook me from inside!
Like seriously man. You call this an independent nation where devils like these roam freely. These monsters never thought about what will happen to her family members before doing this brutal crime?
Why would they think? For them, she was just a piece of flesh they were using for their lusty desire.
She was the daughter of this nation. In our country, where many people work day and night to make us proud, these pigs are the reason why India is known as unsafe for women ! Ever wondered why these crimes don't take place in other countries like Arab because there simply slash off their head whoever tries to commit this kind of horrible crime!
That's the kind of punishment we want today for such crimes.
We want revenge.
We want security.
We want justice.
We want it for Dr. Priyanka Reddy and every other girl of this country who is scared to roam alone in daylight and night in this independent country.
By Khakshan Jahan.