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A poem with a story in reverse | The Project Quote

Twenty thousand feet

above in the air,

She sat calmly in the cockpit.

With a steady hand,

and a determined soul,

Steering the Cheetah

down the difficult

the terrain of Siachen.

The ground was a pure white,

Clad deep in snow,

And the skies a brilliant blue,

Just like the petunias she grew,

In her home's back garden.

The Cheetah rose in the air,

From a helipad so small,

One faulty sway and

down the mountain

it would fall.

Steel blades whirred above

at 450 rpm,

One last look below,

She could still see the

dazzled soldier on the ground

Still baffled at seeing a woman

At a place like Siachen.

"Don't ever dream of Ladakh "

Her instructor had told her.

Yet, her commanding officer

went ahead and got her

on the Leh based-114 helicopter.

She had passed the interviews

of Indian Air Force

after graduation.

When the other girls of her family

had got married after high school education.

Living in the suburbs of Delhi,

she never had dreamt of flying

for India.

Only a wish had her

when young; to be in uniform

and dazzle everyone.

When in std 7, her English teacher

had recited a glorious tale of

a uniformed soldier.

Twenty thousand feet above in the air,

In the highest battlefield of the world.

She was the first woman to land.

She is Sq leader Khushboo Gupta, Siachen Pioneer.

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