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20 dialogues from F.R.I.E.N.D.S that have become Iconic

Updated: Sep 23, 2020

It has been more than 26 years since the first episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S aired and still, every time watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S makes it all better. Who knew we would still be able to relate to the show that had ended more than a decade ago? While watching the reruns recently, I realized few dialogues have become iconic and referred way too often. So I decided to find 20 of them. So without me blabbering on, let's just get into it.

1. "Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're going to love it."

(S1: E1- The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate)

When I heard Monica saying it the first time, it didn't make any sense but when I left the safety net of my parents and started with real-life jobs, I could relate to this. Also, this dialogue was recently referred by Courtney Cox herself while welcoming Jen Aniston on Instagram.

2. "Oh, I wish I could, but I don’t want to."

(S1: E1- The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate)

This dialogue speaks to all of us when our friends ask us to help them with something. To be honest I love the badass Pheebs who can say no when she does not want to help her friends. This thing about her character has always made me be in awe of her.

3. "OH MY GOD!! (Janice's style)"

Ohhhh myyyyy godddd!!!!!

It has to be my favorite dialogue. I use it way too often in my real life because this is one dialogue everyone knows about. Saying that in the high pitch as Janice’s is just more fun.

4. "Oh, I am sorry, did my back hurt your knife?"

(S2: E2- The One With The Breastmilk)

This sassy dialogue was used by my favorite character Rachel when Monica went shopping with Ross’s then-girlfriend Julie. What I love about the whole situation is how F.R.I.E.N.D.S made us realize that betrayal by best friends could be much worse than a betrayal by boyfriend.

5. "She's your lobster."

(S2: E14 - The One With The Prom Video)

When Phoebe said Rachel is Ross’s lobster, she changed the concept of soulmates for me forever. I now don’t want a soulmate but a lobster because as per Phoebe “it is a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life and you can see old lobster couples walking around their tank holding claws”.

6. "We were on a break."

(S3: E17- The One Without The Ski Trip)

I think this dialogue has been an origin of debates not only between Rachel and Ross but all of us. This also made me realize that taking a break and breaking up are two different things. Also, I'm not kidding but my ex-boyfriend has so used this dialogue on me to cover up his mistakes so that I can relate to the anger Rachel felt when Ross mentioned it throughout the show.

7. "Fine! Judge all you want to, but: [to Ross] married a lesbian; [to Rachel] left a man at the altar; [to Phoebe] fell in love with a gay ice dancer; [to Joey] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire; [to Chandler] living in a box!"

(S4: E8 -The One With Chandler In A Box)

This dialogue makes me fall in love with the character of Monica a little more, this shows us how she does not care about any judgment and knows how to give a pretty savage reality check to her FRIENDS.

8. "Seven, Seven, Seven, Seven……………………………..Seven"

(S4: E11- The One With The Pheobe’s Uterus)

This scene must be hands down one of my favourites. This scene also signifies how comfortable the friends were with each other. Also in an article by BuzzFeed, it was pointed out the reason for Chandler being the best Monica has had (as per Monica in Season 5 Episode 4) because he learned about the seven erogenous zones of women by Monica herself.

9. "How You Doin?"

(S4: E13- The One With Rachel’s Crush)

This dialogue needs no reference and no explanation so I am just going to leave it at "How you doing?"

10. "I take thee, Rachel"

(S4: E23- The One With Ross's Wedding)

This dialogue is iconic because of its significance in the story. If not for this dialogue, the control freak Emily would have probably controlled Ross’s life to the point where he would have not been able to hang out with the other five Friends. This would also mean no hook up between Ross and Rachel, no Emma, and no chase sequence at the airport and that just would have been sad.

11. "Pivot!!"

(S5: E16- The One With The Cop)

"What was funnier than Ross saying PIVOT," you ask? It was chandler’s response to it by saying "Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!". It was just hilarious to watch the three friends try to get the couch to the second floor in which they fail miserably.

12. "They don't know that we know that they know"

(S5: E14- The One Where Everybody Finds Out)

This has to be part of the list because except for the dialogue being funny the scene perfectly captures how friends react if any one of them hides something from the other. Also, I love how frustrated Joey feels because of this, it just shows he is the most innocent of them all.

13. "Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Good."

(S6: E9 - The One Where Ross Got High)

This dialogue gives us an insight into how big of a foodie Joey is and that he can eat anything. Also, I am happy for poor Rachel. At least someone liked her trifle. If we all have friends like Joey. a badly cooked dish would not be a problem because there are my friends who make fun of me for a bad pasta I made 2 years ago and I am sure it was better than a trifle with beef.

14. "Ah! Salmon skin roll."

(S6: E17- The One With Unagi)

I know most people like the term "Unagi" and prefer it to be iconic but, I am sorry, I like Rachel’s response to it better. In the whole episode, Ross goes to such lengths to prove his point right that he gets on my nerves, so a comeback like this was necessary for him.

15. "It's like a cow's opinion. It just doesn't matter. It's moo."

(S7: E8- The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs)

It sounds pathetic but still, it makes a lot of sense and if you do not agree then it is a moo point. Whenever someone says something that does not make sense, my brain automatically terms is as a moo point. Also, I love how it all made sense to Rachel and she questioned it by saying does it make sense, or I have been living with him for too long.

16. "No uterus, no opinion"

(S8: E14- The One With The Secret Closet)

Rachel has repeatedly shown the feminist side of her but, this tops it all. I am sure if Rachel was a real person living in 2019, she would have been an activist for feminism and women's rights. In general, Rachel’s character was ahead of her time, whether it was leaving a man at the altar or deciding to raise a child alone. She has always shown the characteristics of a strong woman.

17. "I am not good at advice can I interest you in a sarcastic comment."

(S8: E17- The one with Tea Leaves)

This dialogue pretty much sums up Chandler's character. Also, I love how self-aware Chandler was in terms of knowing that he should not be advising people. Not only with advice but, it has been evident throughout the episodes that chandler gets uncomfortable where ever emotions have been involved. "Could Chandler be any more emotionally challenged?"

18. "Joey doesn’t share food"

(S10: E9- The one with the birth mother)

There is no dialogue of F.R.I.E.N.D.S that I use more than this because just like Joey, I hate sharing food. I mean if you are going to eat momos from my plate why did you say no when I asked you if you wanted a plate for yourself? I can relate to the frustration of Joey about this.

19. "You can’t just give up! Is that what a dinosaur would do?"

(S10: E17- The Last One: Part 1)

To be honest, this dialogue could not have made any sense if it was not being said to Ross. Time and again we have been shown how passionate is Ross about dinosaurs so, to be honest, Joey saying that would have affected Ross’s decision. Also, 10 seasons into the show and still Joey cannot say, paleontologist.

20. "I Got off the plane"

(S10: E17- The Last One: Part 2)

The whole chase at the airport kept me on my toes and made me cry. So when Rachel is on the door and says she got off the plane, I cried with joy. Even if I was not a Ross and Rachel shipper (Haters gonna hate hate hate!!!). I still loved how that scene was built up, Ross shouting on the answering machine to know if Rachel got off the plane and then Rachel just appears.


"Smelly Cat, smelly cat what are they feeding you"

When Taylor Swift sings this with Lisa Kudrow in her world tour you know this song has made it.

"I Know- Monica"

Monica’s “I know” has become iconic. be it emotional, angry, or a high pitched I know is truly iconic.

"I am curvy and I like it"

I love how joey stands up to the body-shaming sister of Rachel’s. Let the man enjoy his Pizza Amy.


Written by: Mansi Hotchandani

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